Sunday, 28 September 2008

My Meida Diary

For media i have to keep a diary about the amount of media related items i use/read/watch etc, heres how its going so far...

Day 1. (Mon 22nd)
Ipod on the bus home for a good 15 mins
used computer internet for homework for about an hour and after facebook and msn for another couple of hours ( time 7 - 9ish)
Watched the film 'Pride and Prejudice' for media narratove hw.. great film.

Day 2. (Tue 23rd)
Again, bit of the ipod on the way to school for about 10-15 mins
Break time, brought Heat magazine with Grace, had a good read of that during break time
History, forced to sit through short TV clip about parliment in the 1800's from youtube.. lasted a long 20 mins..
Recieved a few multimedia messages on the mobile from the mother, showing some items of clothing that she thought i might like :)
In meida studies watched a bit of 'Life on Mars'
Started reading 'Judge and Jury' by James Patterson at home for roughly half an hour.

Day 3. (Wed 24th)
No ipod this morning but did have a re-read through the Heat magazine i brought the day before for 5 mins..
Media lesson, had a browse through youtube and listened to a bit of ipod while everyone sorted out their blogss.. becasue their not as organised as me :) .. for about 20 mins
At home read a bit more of James Patterson book for half an hour
On computer for hour on facebook from about 8-9 o'clock

Day 4 (Thurs 25th)
Read a bit of Kims newspaper on the bus journey to school for a couple of mins
Had a flick through some magazines in tesco at break
In sociology watched the start of a horizon documentary called 'The boy with no penis' for a good half hour.. bit disturbing..

Day 5 (Friday 26th)
In media watched a couple of clips from the series 'Eastenders'
Used phone quite a bit all day
Partaaay later that night so listened to a lot of music

Day 6 (Saturday 27th)
At work read a couple of magazines (Closer and OK).. to pass the time
Bit of msn and facebook for half an hour before i went out
Had a night in, so watched some 'X-factor' and 'Lord of the Rings' on TV

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