Monday, 29 September 2008

More marvellous media!

Managed to jot down a few notes from the powerpoint Mr. V wizzed through in todays lesson about... MEDIA INSTITUTION!

A media institution is an organisation that creates media products or texts which include stuff like newspapers, radio, TV and film companies, and internet media providers.
Media market is dominated by multinationals as the start up costs can be enormous. Making a profit in the media market is a high risk as new products take up a lot of money or investments to set up, and there is a lot of competition as many companies are trying to capture the same market.

Something you may not already know is that the media isnt always free to say what it wants:
  • there are laws controlling what the media can broadcast or print
  • Governments may censor the media
  • Controlling institutions may not want bad stories about their sponsors or advertisers
  • Owners or editors of an institution may control the style and contents of its product.
You may have realised that media in a democracy has a special role as it has a responsibility to question the government and not to put the population at risk or to damage society.

The three stages of creating a product or media text are:
  1. Pre-production
  2. Production
  3. Post-production

1 comment:

Sacha van Straten said...

Your efficiency is worthy of a mention in dispatches. I will have to email your head of house.

I'll put all the Power Points up on Moodle tomorrow, so you can pick up any other info that you need.